Just so you know

If someone reads this... and doesn't understand swedish....
there's a translator down in the right corner.
I asked my friend to test it. She's from The Netherlands... she tried it and then she told me she didn't understand a thing!
She said it is just words... not correct sentences... so she couldn't understand.
It might be like that in all languages...
Later she told me that the English version is much better.
But I tried that one myself and it's not making correct sentences either. But... if someone doesn't understand swedish and wants to read, use English.
You can try your own language but I don't think it'll work out well.

(and my english just sucks)

I knew that the translator doesn't translate good...
But I thought it would do better... obviously it didn't... *sighs*

Have a nice day!

(Kommentera gärna, men alla kommentarer som anses stötande mot mig, mina vänner eller min familj raderas! Ha de bra!)
Postat av: Jocke

Nej nej... Det andra höger...

Svårt det där:P

2009-05-30 @ 00:07:12
URL: http://letitsnow.blogg.se/

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